We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose primary purpose is to provide support of and advocacy for WSU Extension Master Gardener Programs in Clark county and fund grants that support horticulture educational projects throughout the County.
All funds (after expenses) we receive from membership dues, donations, and fund raising activities are used for grants. We are an all volunteer organization with no paid staff.

Donate Directly to the MGFCC
We are a non-profit 501(c)3 organization registered in Washington. And like many non-profits, we could use your financial assistance. If you believe in what we are doing, please help us make a greater impact across Clark County with a cash donation.
Note – MGFCC memberships are also tax deductible donations. If you want early access to our plant sale and invitations to member only events and discounts, use our membership form to donate and become a member!
You can donate online or mail a check to:
1919 NE 78th St.
Vancouver, WA 98665
The Foundation board has to make difficult decisions about which grants get funded and how much they receive. Your donation allows us to do more.
We are fortunate to be one of a few counties staffed by a full-time dedicated WSU Master Gardener Program Coordinator with signficant funding provided by our foundation.
In each year, there are changing needs and new requests for funding but on average, here is how your money is allocated in Clark County:
- 80% of our funds directly support the WSU Master Gardener Program of Clark County. The funds cover 30% of the coordinator’s salary, and additional funds support the program’s educational activities.
- 20% of our funds support external grants ranging from grants that support youth and restorative justice program, grants supporting demonstration gardens, grants supporting horticultural education in several community garden projects.

Join our foundation by becoming a member!
Memberhip dues are a valuable source of funding for our foundation. Memberhip dues are tax deductible donations, and members receive discounts at local businesses and early access to our Mother’s Day Plant sale. They also receive exclusive

Contribute to the Clark County Master Gardener Endowment fund
The Clark County Master Gardener Endowment fund is a permanent investment that will support the program in perpetuity. A portion of the fund is available for the program to use in funding educational activities each year, while the majority of the fund is invested for long term growth. Each donation helps to grow this fund and support our long term financial sustainability.
The Clark County Master Gardener Endowment fund was established in 2008 with a generous donation from the foundation. The foundation donates funds to the endowment each year in addition to offering matching funds to encourage individual donations. The foundation has donated more than $148,000 to this endowment since it began.
The Master Gardener program is able to use up to 4% of the fund’s 36 month average market value each year to support workshops and other educational projects.

Fred Meyer Community Rewards Program
Simply link your shopping card with the Master Gardeners Foundation of Clark County and a percentage of all your purchases will be donated at no cost to you. Our Foundation receives more than $300 each year from shoppers that choose to support us when they shop.
Here’s how to participate: Go to Fred Meyer Community Rewards. You will receive instructions on how to sign on to your shopping card and to search for ‘Master Gardener Foundation of Clark County’ to link to your card. That’s it. From that point forward, a percentage of your purchases will be credited to our program. Thank you.