To everyone that shoped at our Mother’s Day weekend plant sale… thank you!
Our foundation leases the greenhouses at the 78th Street Heritage Farm in Vancouver, WA where we grow the plants we sell each Mother’s Day weekend at our plant sale which is our largest fund raising event. Many thanks to everyone that made our 2024 plant sale a record success! We can’t do this without our many volunteers and shoppers that support us.
Thank you to the Dig team for collecting and propagating perennials for the plant sale!
The dig team starts collecting donated plants and propagating perennials each fall through winter, preparing to offer a large selection of plants for local gardeners.
Plant sale teams worked hard to grow the plants we sold this year.
Master Gardeners and foundation volunteer teams begin planning for the next year’s sale soon after each Mother’s Day plant sale is finished. Greenhouses dedicated to growing the plants we sell become busy in early January.
Thank you
In past years you purchased plants by the arm-load and by the cart-load. Thank you! The monies generated by the plant sale are the largest foundation funding event of the year. The proceeds generated by the sale are used to fund horticulture education grants throughout Clark County and are a major source of funding for the Clark County Master Gardener Program. These monies support our small fruit team, school garden coordinator activities, many workshops and educational events, and much, much more. Thank you again for your generous support.