As a non-profit organization, the Master Gardener Foundation of Clark County is dedicated to perpetuating the WSU Extension Master Gardener Program of Clark County and supporting the Heritage Farm located on 78th Street in Vancouver Washington. We support the Master Gardener Program and the Heritage Farm as valuable resources for research based horticultural practices that preserve and enhance our environment. We do this through fundraising, advocacy, and by awarding grants in Clark County to community groups for horticultural education projects and programs.

Master Gardener Foundation of Clark County is recognized as the advocate and sustainable funding partner of the WSU Extension Master Gardener Program of Clark County, Heritage Farm and community-wide horticultural projects.

Values and Principles
- Believe in fostering a sustainable natural environment
- Committed to sustainable research based horticultural practices
- Embrace diversity and inclusiveness
- Transparency in operation
- Support volunteerism
- Endorse Community involvement/engagement
- Believe in education and continual learning

Impact — Funding from our foundation in 2023 is supporting:
- More than $32,000 in support to the Master Gardener program of Clark County
- Grants awarded to fund youth education projects in Clark County
- Grants to support community horticulture education
- Matching donations to the Clark County MG endowment fund
Annual funds from our foundation grow the Clark County Master Gardener Endowment fund which is designed to provide funding support to the county’s program in perpetuity. Since its establishment in 2008, our foundation has donated more than $148,000 to this endowment.