Potting up Donated Plants

Donated Plants: The difference between a good & great Plant Sale

Editor’s Note: In Pierce County, we rely heavily on MGs to give us plants from home. The Donated Plants set of pages is our most extensive because we want everything supplied to be ‘Nursery Quality’. Read on..(Also note the green ‘buttons above’… because this section is located in the ‘Members Area’ we do not have access to a second ‘menu’… so we created these buttons to substitute for the menu bar).
Our plant sale is so popular we have run out of plants well before the sale was over, disappointing potential buyers. While our hoop house space limits the number of tomatoes grown and plants propagated, with 400+ MG volunteers there is no limit to the number of donated plants we can receive from their yards. Please read on to learn how you can help.

The Plant Sale Promise: at least nursery quality plants, at a reasonable price

Three step process to donating your plants to the sale:

1. Great Plants. Click on the boxes below (Perennials, Natives, etc.) for lists of plants that we know the public wants.
2. Professionally potted. We use Tagro potting soil and quality recycled pots for all our plants. Details here.
3. Clearly labelled. We use a commercial website for the descriptions to professionally label all our plants. Details here.

Plants we are looking for:

Not sure you can do it? No worries! We’ll teach you.

– Attend a “Potting Party” in October and/or March where you’ll learn to identify new plants and the proper practices for potting donated’ plants.
– Once you’ve done it, you are trained and ready to go! You can pot up at home knowing you are getting it right for the plant sale.
– Receive an hour of CE Credit for your troubles! 
– Schedule at right, details here.
– Veteran MGs are available to answer your potting questions.
Contact us.

Potting Parties

Plant Identification Tools

Picture ‘Drag & Drop’ to Identify.
At left is a link to connect you to “PlantID.net” a nice site that helps you with the botanical and common name of your plant pictures. Try it, it’s fun!

Forms for Potting Parties.
If you are bringing your plants to a Potting Party, you will need to fill out one of the attached forms to help data entry volunteers find your plants in the Gardenware database for labelling.